NOAA Atlas 14 provides the latest official U.S. precipitation frequency (PF) estimates for various durations and frequencies with lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence interval. PF estimates including…
NOAA Atlas 14 provides the latest official U.S. precipitation frequency (PF) estimates for various durations and frequencies with lower and upper bounds of the 90% confidence interval. PF estimates including…
XPSWMM can load an image raster file as background to facilitate the drainage network creation. The image file needs to have a world file associated with so that XPSWMM is…
To perform 2D modeling using XPSWMM, a surface dtm file (*.xptin) needs to be generate first in XPSWMM. Another option to create a 2D surface is Reference a Grid File…
A big size raster file usually can be compressed to reduce its size. A lot of QGIS raster tools/commands have a built-in option to select a method to compress a…
For unsteady state 1D and 2D HEC-RAS models, initial conditions must be set up appropriately to not make the model crash or become unstable at the beginning of the modeling.…
The hydraulic opening width (area) of a skewed bridge is less than its unskewed value, which in turn would adversely impact the bridge hydraulic performance. The skew angle is defined…
Riprap is widely used and considered as a desirable type of revetment in the United States. It consists of a layer of natural or man-made rock/stone placed on bedding and/or…
Update: SAGA tools used to be included with QGIS installation, but starting from QGIS version 3.3x, QGIS dropped SATA package from its installation package. Now to use SAGA tools, QGIS…
Before adding geometry attributes (length, area, perimeter) to a line or polygon shapefile or X / Y Coordinates to a point shapefiles in QGIS, make sure the shapefiles are in…
A raster file is a matrix of predefined cells (pixels) with certain number of rows and columns. The level of detail represented by a raster depends on the cell (pixel)…