Unit hydrograph transform method for precipitation-runoff process is widely used by many H&H modeling tools, but EPA SWMM has its own method known as nonlinear reservoir runoff method which treats…
Unit hydrograph transform method for precipitation-runoff process is widely used by many H&H modeling tools, but EPA SWMM has its own method known as nonlinear reservoir runoff method which treats…
Time of Concentration (TOC or Tc), one of the most important hydrologic parameters for runoff calculation and modeling, is defined as the time it takes a drop of rainfall to…
InfoWorks ICM is a powerful hydrologic and hydraulic modeling tool. As its name suggests, ICM - Integrated Catchment Modelling, InfoWorks ICM is capable of simulating 1D network and 2D surface…
InfoWorks ICM is a powerful hydrologic and hydraulic modeling tool. As its name suggests, ICM - Integrated Catchment Modelling, InfoWorks ICM is capable of simulating 1D network and 2D surface…
As a theory-based infiltration method, Geen-Ampt is widely used in hydrologic modeling since its parameters are easy to acquire, especially for those project sites without monitored data for model calibration.…
In HEC-RAS 2D Rain-on-Grid (ROG) modeling, three layers are needed to model the infiltration loss and the procedures to create the three layers have been discussed before. Land Cover Layer…
In addition to loss through infiltration, during a precipitation-runoff process other losses may need to be accounted for as well, which include canopy interception, surface depression storage, and evapotranspiration (ET).…
Initial and Constant Loss Method and Deficit and Constant Loss Method are two common infiltration methods in HEC-HMS and they share the same underlying concept, simply put, after the "initial…
HydroCAD and XPSWMM have the modified rational method built into the programs and it is very convenient to apply the method in either of the modeling tools. One or more…
For small drainage areas, the rational method is widely used to calculate peak flows of different drainage design levels to size storm sewer, inlets, culverts, and ditches. The rational method…